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Thursday, November 19, 2009
The only Monolators show for November
Hi all--
Just a note that we are playing one show and one show only this month, and it's on this Saturday with some of our bestest friends: The Mormons, Manhattan Murder Mystery, and, from NYC, Asa Ransom:

HM 157, if you've never been there, is a lovely old Victorian house on Broadway in Lincoln Heights. Map
here. All-ages, and $5.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
We made it into a zine! Lots O' Crap #5
Hey hey hey everybody--
I am very pleased to say that the latest issue of
Lots O' Crap Zine (#5) has a compilation cd with one of our songs in it! We are really very pleased because we've never been in a zine before. Lots O' Crap is L.A.-based and features interviews, poetry, short stories, art, and music from local types (like ourselves). I just went down to the Tribal Cafe last night and picked up a copy from L.O.C. mastermind Deseret--she runs a night there every monday a bit before Sean Carnage starts up at Pehrspace, and like Sean's night there were lots of very cool & friendly people there, plus burritos. You should go!
For our song in the compilation we chose a live version of "14 Degrees" recorded at Pehrspace on 4-track. Lots O Crap had it mastered and it sounds great! There are also tracks by bands we know and love--Manhattan Murder Mystery, Whitman, 60 Watt Kid among others. We are honored and happy that our song is in there. Thanks Deseret!
It's only $4--you can pick up a copy at LOC's night at the Tribal Cafe, and also at The Smell AFAIK. It looks like this (except my copy is pink):

Additional linky--Lots O Crap on the
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Claw Theater
Holy God. I stumbled across this via the great
I'm Learning To Share blog:
Claw TheaterOne sentence summary: Folk/fairy tales (Robin Hood, Peter Pan, etc.) illustrated with horrendous photoshopped cat pictures--plus midi.

etc. etc. Go on and try not to look--I dare you.
Abbalators bootleg
The very nice people at Recording LA have an audio bootleg of the entire Abbalators show from last week
right here.
I especially like the way Take A Chance On Me turned out. We are planning on doing a live-in-the-studio recording of these songs, maybe later in the month. But these are pretty fun...thanks Recording LA!
PS--it might be an appropriate time to repost this--our original take on
Dancing Queen circa...2004 or 2005, I can't quite remember.
Monday, November 02, 2009